Thursday, January 17, 2008

More Energy

B vitamins are called the energy vitamins, Fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, anxiety and depression - all can be signs of a B vitamin deficiency. That's because compounds in the B complex are needed for everything from the healthy maintenance of brain cells to the metabolism of carbohydrates, the brain's source of fuel. Bs are also necessary for production of neurotransmitters, which regulate mood and conduct messages through the brain.

Have a walk everyday, The aim should be to do around 10,000 steps which equates to around 60-90 minutes of walking. Using a pedometer on a belt is a good way to monitor this. On the way to or from work, shops, or meetings, leave the car or public transport a bit short of your destination. In the office, use stairs rather than the lift. Don't sit for long, Break up your sitting time by walking around at regular intervals. At home, do a chore. At work, visit a colleague.