Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fitness and Exercises

The Fitness can be performance-related or health-related. Performance-related fitness is a measure of an athlete's agility, balance, power, and speed. This topic focuses on health-related fitness, which you can achieve through regular physical activity. The benefits of both types of fitness are a healthy heart and lungs, increased flexibility, and muscular strength and endurance. Exercise is must for Muscular fitness includes building stronger muscles and increasing how long you can use them in a right way. Resistance training through weight lifting and body movements such as push-ups can improve muscular fitness.

Above all don't smoke, Cigarette smoke is a toxic cocktail of around 70 cancer-causing chemicals and hundreds of other poisons. Smoking is the single biggest cause of cancer in the world. In the UK, smoking accounts for one in four cancer deaths and kills five times more people than road accidents, murder, suicide and HIV all put together. Try to have fruits and vegetables a day, A portion is about 80g of fruit or vegetables. This is roughly equal to an apple, orange, banana, or similarly-sized fruit or two serving spoons of cooked vegetables such as broccoli or carrots.