Friday, January 25, 2008

Vitamins and Energy

There are nearly 40 vitamins, minerals, and dietary components that your body needs but cannot manufacture in sufficient amounts. That is why these are called essential vitamins and minerals. Acting in concert, the essential vitamins and minerals help keep billions of cells healthy and encourage them to grow. A lack of vitamins or a diet that has inadequate amounts of certain vitamins can upset the body's internal balance or block one or more metabolic reactions. This can lead to a cascading reaction in the body, as it struggles to compensate with what is essentially an acute starvation.

The B vitamins are water soluble vitamins. It means that they are excreted in the urine and can be quickly depleted from the body. When we take more water-soluble vitamins than we need, small amounts are stored in body tissue, particularly the liver, Because water soluble vitamins are not stored in the body in appreciable amounts and are depleted from the body so quickly,The vitamins are more in fruits, it is important that we take supplements of the B vitamins in large daily amounts to replenish these important vitamins in our body.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fitness and Exercises

The Fitness can be performance-related or health-related. Performance-related fitness is a measure of an athlete's agility, balance, power, and speed. This topic focuses on health-related fitness, which you can achieve through regular physical activity. The benefits of both types of fitness are a healthy heart and lungs, increased flexibility, and muscular strength and endurance. Exercise is must for Muscular fitness includes building stronger muscles and increasing how long you can use them in a right way. Resistance training through weight lifting and body movements such as push-ups can improve muscular fitness.

Above all don't smoke, Cigarette smoke is a toxic cocktail of around 70 cancer-causing chemicals and hundreds of other poisons. Smoking is the single biggest cause of cancer in the world. In the UK, smoking accounts for one in four cancer deaths and kills five times more people than road accidents, murder, suicide and HIV all put together. Try to have fruits and vegetables a day, A portion is about 80g of fruit or vegetables. This is roughly equal to an apple, orange, banana, or similarly-sized fruit or two serving spoons of cooked vegetables such as broccoli or carrots.

Healthy Eating

The healthy diet includes eating a variety of foods from the basic food groups: protein, such as meat, eggs, and legumes; dairy, fruits and vegetables, grains, such as breads and pasta; and fats and sweets. As simple as this sounds, Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods so that your child gets the nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, and minerals, he or she needs for normal growth. Try mango or peach slices on whole-wheat toast with a little peanut butter and honey. Toss some mandarin orange and peach slices into a salad.

Avoid salt, It can increase your blood pressure and your risk of heart disease and stroke. Eat healthier snacks, If you're hungry between meals, choose a healthy option such as fresh fruit or low calorie yogurts instead of chocolate or crisps. Water is good (but two litres a day is waste). Semi-skimmed milk is good too. Many soft drinks (including fizzy and sweetened soft drinks) contain a lot of sugar. Alcohol is high in calories.

More Energy

B vitamins are called the energy vitamins, Fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, anxiety and depression - all can be signs of a B vitamin deficiency. That's because compounds in the B complex are needed for everything from the healthy maintenance of brain cells to the metabolism of carbohydrates, the brain's source of fuel. Bs are also necessary for production of neurotransmitters, which regulate mood and conduct messages through the brain.

Have a walk everyday, The aim should be to do around 10,000 steps which equates to around 60-90 minutes of walking. Using a pedometer on a belt is a good way to monitor this. On the way to or from work, shops, or meetings, leave the car or public transport a bit short of your destination. In the office, use stairs rather than the lift. Don't sit for long, Break up your sitting time by walking around at regular intervals. At home, do a chore. At work, visit a colleague.


By Eating breakfast may reduce your risk of serious illnesses like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer, and it strengthens your immune system so you're more resistant to common ailments like colds and the flu and also it will prevent you from more diseases. Memory and concentration get a boost from breakfast. A study on children found that kids who eat breakfast score higher on tests and are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and hyperactivity. It should help you at the office too.

Eat your meals at the table and it will help you focus on the amount of food you eat. Eat slowly because it takes time for your body to register how much food you've eaten and how full you are. Don't eat while walking, but wait until you get there and take time to concentrate on what you are eating. Have a fruits and vegetables after meals. After Eating have a 10 minutes walk.

Fruits and Vegetables Everyday

The Fruits and vegetables contain many powerful and important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and disease-fighting phytochemicals, it will prevent from diseases, and that helps reduce the risk of many cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.The recommended servings are greater for men because more than two-thirds of men are overweight or obese, and men have a higher death rate for certain diseases than women.

The important thing worth mentioning here is that, the things that people consider to be fruits are not necessarily healthy fruits. For example, eating apple pie is counted as a fruit in clinical trials. But in fact it’s a cooked, sugary apple pie made with hydrogenated oils, refined white flour and refined sugar in the crust. That’s not fruit.But medical studies call that "fruit.” Hence, note that by “Fruits” what one means are fruits that are raw and uncooked, Eat fruits everyday.